Writing Workshops

Do you want to improve your style, hone your craft – or just be playful and curious as to where your pen will lead you?

Have you always wanted to write (a poem, a short story, a novel, a journal, a memoir…?) but don’t know where to start? Perhaps you want to carve out some regular space to use your writing as a tool for reflection and a sense of well-being?

Maybe you are looking for your writing tribe such as our mentored, drop-in, on-line writing hive – The Write Place ?

Why not book a free 15-minute consultation with Kate to discuss what would really work for you?

Choosing one of our transformative workshops can take you on a deep dive into technique and process with leading writers, poets and facillitators. Or why not take a step off the busy treadmill of daily modern life and award yourself some space for therapeutic writing and reflection with a workshop for wellbeing? (New workshops for women facing change ‘Nourish’ - following from the summer success of our Flourish programmes – will begin early in 2025.)

We update these pages regularly, sign up for our newsletter to be the first to hear more.

  • Short, online courses

  • In person writing workshops

  • Writing for wellbeing sessions

  • Weekly accountability write-ins

  • A mentored critique circle for novelists

  • Writing retreats

  • Video courses to complete in your own time (coming soon)

Upcoming workshops