All / 6-week course All Poetry Fiction Short Story Novel craft writing prompts 6-week course In-person workshop Online workshop Open Under 18s Poetry Competition Weekly Drop-in Writing Hives & Tribes Writing for Wellbeing 5-day retreat 5-week programme GET YOUR NOVEL OFF THE GROUND | online mentored critique circle | Tuesday 22nd April–3rd June | 6–8pm UK from £160.00 Only 5 available Only 2 available Select price, if your application is successful Standard £200 (please apply before you pay) Concession £160 (please read eligibility criteria before purchase**) Add To Cart ‘The CREATIVE CONNECTION HOUR’: online curated conversation & creative writing/poetry prompts | hosted by writing mentor Kate Oldfield | Wed 11th September–16 October 4–5pm UK from £72.00 sold out Select Pick your fee level £72 for 6 sessions £90 for 6 sessions £120 for 6 sessions Add To Cart