Writing for wellbeing

‘Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.’
— Mary Oliver (from her poem ‘Sometimes’)

Writing for wellbeing (also known as reflective, therapeutic or expressive writing) is an easy way to make time for yourself to reflect, gain some perspective and dig down into your own stories to find your voice, build your confidence and get in touch again with the person you may have forgotten you are.

‘The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.’
— WB Yeats

It’s a very gentle way of writing and some people make it a regular practice through journaling, ‘morning pages’ or keeping a diary. Writing for wellbeing workshops deliver simple prompts and exercises to help even the most rusty writers connect with themselves and others in the group. There is no need to share your writing, but it is always lovely if people do. This kind of writing is not begun with the idea of publishing in mind but, many people find that their creativity is unlocked and some people do decide to take their writing further. There is no pressure to do anything but enjoy the experience!