In-person creative writing workshops

We have so much to offer in our small and friendly workshops. Sessions mainly take place in Oxford and London, but we also have run workshops all over the UK and beyond.

Courses cover different aspects of book writing and poem creation and we are in the early stages of preparing an introduction to Scriptwriting course. Previous session include: Be the Hero of your own Epic; Find your Flow with Freewriting, How to write a Haiku; Haiku for Healing; Collaborative poem-making; Writing poetry forms: Sestina, Pantoum and Villanelles; Editing your Poems: Ways into your novel’s first draft; Breaking through Writers Block; Accountability sessions for new writers; Community Renga sessions and Find your Voice, Write it Out, and many more.

New workshops coming soon include Novel-writing, Memoir-writing, How to Edit your own Work and Introduction to Scriptwriting – watch this space.