Creative Connections

Step away from your daily chores and lose yourself for a while in the creative process. Hosted and curated by Kate Oldfield, the Creative Connection cafés are an hour of curated conversation and prompts to give your creativity a boost and foster a sense of connection in a small and supportive community.

All are welcome, whether you are an accomplished or a reluctant writer – there is a place for everyone. Just come with a beginner’s mind.

  • Everyone. Whether you are a beginner (even if you consider yourself a reluctant writer), or a writer with lots of experience, these supportive sessions are full of opportunities to share our stories – or just listen and respond – which fosters deep sense of community. There are also freewriting exercises and inspiring prompts that anyone can approach from any level. Just come with an open mind.

  • Live and on Zoom.

  • Currently all our sessions are full. There may be a space on our Wednesday at 4pm session soon.

    Contact us to be added to the waiting list.

  • The sessions are 1 hour and 10 minutes long.

  • Creative Connections cafés are still run on a pay-what-you-want basis.

    Fee guidance:

    I am doing ok thank you - £15 per session

    I am doing well thank you and would like to support others who aren’t - £20 per session

    Some concessions available – please apply to Kate.

A note book with a writing plan
‘Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.’
— Pablo Picasso
A creative connections writing notebook
‘I had never considered short-form writing as a creative outlet for myself before I joined Kate’s Creative Connections. But under her gentle, insightful and encouraging guidance, the sessions have been an inspiration. It’s wonderful to be in a group of supportive people from all different walks of life and experiences, and the time flies by. It is more than just connecting and being creative; Kate manages to bring out the magic in life and helps us see the world through refreshed eyes.’
— Isobel K
‘Most of our childhood is stored not in photos, but in certain biscuits, lights of day, smells, textures of carpet.’
— Alain de Botton